Sunday, June 14, 2015

“This Is Our Furiosa.” Mad Max: Fury Road and the Moments In Between

There’s a moment about two-thirds of the way through Mad Max: Fury Road that speaks to one reason why I love the film so much. It comes during one of the film’s rare quiet scenes. Max (Tom Hardy), Furiosa (Charlize Theron), and their small lot of refugees have arrived among the Vuvalini, the all-female warrior tribe from which Furiosa was stolen, along with her mother, many years ago. Most of the women remember Furiosa only dimly: She was taken, as she says, “7000 days” ago, “plus the ones I don’t remember.” They ask what happened to her mother. “She died, on the third day,” Furiosa replies. And then the Vuvalini reflexively perform a quiet, brief mourning gesture – holding a hand up, grabbing at the air, and bringing it to their chest. After seeing them, Furiosa herself slowly does the gesture as well.

This exchange lasts all of twelve seconds, and it’s probably easy to miss, or ignore, for some. But every time I see the film, it strikes me as a deceptively profound moment. Watch Theron’s performance here: As she grabs at the air, her haunted eyes watch her own hand, as if she were seeing it for the first time. Her face is that of someone remembering something that was once probably very much a part of her – not just her mother, but this whole Vuvalini ritual, and the sense of belonging it implies. She’s re-learning, in other words, the person she used to be.

We also realize that, as a captive young girl, Furiosa probably never properly got to mourn her mother. She probably couldn’t – or maybe she chose not to. At any rate, it’s clear that she put this part of herself away for a long, long time; she may not have even realized it was still there. Here, in this quiet gesture, is a world of backstory and development for those who want it. It fires the imagination – but it doesn’t insist on it. Like the best art, it empowers the viewer to drift and dream beyond the borders of the work.

Mad Max: Fury Road has been widely, ecstatically praised, and that certainly makes me happy. But it has also come under some criticism for its relentlessness: Even some who admire it admit that, as a non-stop chase movie, it’s a little too much of one thing and not enough of another. I can understand that criticism, but I can’t share it, precisely because of moments like these, which say so much more to me – and do so far more eloquently – than reams of exposition or dialogue ever could.

True, it’s a brief scene right before the chase starts back up again, but its very brevity is the point. Furiosa hasn’t had a chance to slow down and reflect – nor have we. That it’s so adrift amid the madness gives the moment added depth: If we were to then go on and hear more about Furiosa's past, or her mother, or whatever, it would lose its significance amid something more conventional. (To be fair, the larger scene itself does go on, to reveal that "the green place" Furiosa has been dreaming about is no more, resulting in her breakdown. But this little gesture of recognition and belonging is critical to understanding why Furiosa breaks down; otherwise, it would be a mere grace note.)

Here, I’ll go one step further. Fury Road is, yes, a fantastic piece of action filmmaking – breathless, beautiful, and bold – but it’s also something else. Through its sheer, spectacular drive, it puts me in the same kind of reverie that slow cinema does. One of the great pleasures of watching the static long-take aesthetic – in a film like, say, Tsai Ming-Liang’s What Time Is It There? or Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s Distant – is the way it focuses our attention on small details that gain monumental importance: a pair of wet socks on a radiator, or an otherwise irrelevant small fish swimming around in an aquarium. I would argue that for all the sublime beauty of the non-stop action in Fury Road, it possesses a similar kind of refinement.

In movies like these, the absence of conventional dramatic development makes us lock in on the smallest of gestures and incidents – not out of poverty, mind you, but because great filmmakers teach us to see all over again. Their work transforms us, changes our inner rhythms and points us in all sorts of directions we may never have noticed. And yes, a film by George Miller at his best does that same thing. Even if, instead of long takes of people staring off into space, he’s giving us fast cuts of trucks and motorcycles flying through the air.

(If you want to read more from me on Mad Max: Fury Road, you can read my review of the film for the Nashville Scene here, and this longer essay on the films of George Miller, for Vulture, here.)


  1. The movie is one long-running battle scene expertly staged and paced by Miller, with a judicious use of CGI that doesn't insult us with the blatantly impossible.

    1. I'm from united kingdom...I just found out about my husband cheating on me with a co-worker! We’ve been married going on two years. 2kids. lots of amazing moments together. i want to leave, but i love him so much. all i can think about is how nothing stopped him. how he has to see her everyday because they work together. we are both still young and very attractive. but i want my husband, my friend, and the father of my beautiful children. how do i get past the thought of another woman having my husband? Not my fiance, not my boyfriend, but my husband! i still love him even though he thinks i want to leave i really want him to do better and stop me before i walk out! my husband told me that he doesn’t feel loved anymore, just because of this co-worker he has be cheating on with me that he wants a divorce, i was devastated, heart broken i begged him to listen to me that we can work it out like we always do, but he didn’t listen, he told me that he met someone that loves and understands him, i begged him to consider our kids but he’s did listen. he left and i was frustrated, i began searching for help and answers, then i heard about a man that can Cast a spell to remind him of all the things we have been through together, at first I was scared then i decided to give it a try, and like magic my husband came back, apology and begging for forgiveness, thanks to this man, I’m posting this to help people with similar issues. You can contact him on via or whats app +2349063230051 for help too.

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  4. Well said, man. I absolutely love this movie from start to finish. Def in my top 3 of 2015.

  5. One of the best movies of the year watched this time in a 3-D version that wasn't an option in theaters. Surprisingly well done, it was just as good the second time around. This is a "go-to" film from the action genre. Charlize Theron should be recognized at awards time, but of course she won't. Great soundtrack adds to the fun.

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  7. If you desperately need an honest and real death spell caster who can help you cast a perfect death spell on anyone then contact this great death spell caster called Dr Ogbeifun He saved my marriage, he helped me cast a death spell on the lady that almost took my husband completely away from me and the kids. i need to end it by killing her, and i don't want to make use of assassin because it will be risky so i needed to do it in a spiritual way that's why i decided to contact him, he assured me not to worry as i have contacted the right person at the right time, i co-operated with him and in less than 48 hours she was dead, she slept and never woke up all thanks to Dr Ogbeifun my husband is back to me. You too can try this man also..
    Call/WhatsApp: +2348102574680

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    you can contact peter Wise for any death spell, such as to kill your superior in the office and take his or her place , death spell to kill your father and inherit his wealth ,death spell to kill anyone who have scammed you in the past , spell to win or stop a divorce case in court death spell to avenge your oppressors e.t.c
    on whats-app or call him via +2349059610643

  9. good day viewers across the globe , i am the happiest man today because my life have been transformed for good by prophet peter , i have been searching for a genuine death spell caster for 6 months now and i finally got the right one (prophet peter) via who helped me cast a death spell on a woman who sent me to 3 years imprisonment for what i did not do after separating me and my wife few months ago , she falsely accused me and make arrangement with false witnesses to bear witnesses against me in the court and i was jailed and i went through hell, after 3 year i was released and i wanted to revenge and i started looking for a death spell to put on her although i got scammed four time but i refused to give up until i meant prophet peter who helped me cast a death spell on her and within 3 days of contacting prophet peter , the lady was confirmed dead and i was so happy , i became more happier when my wife returned to me with the help of prophet peter love spell . i can now sleep with my two eyes closed without any fear of accusation or oppression . thanks prophet peter indeed you have proven that there are still some good and genuine death spell caster and love spell casters in Africa.
    you can call or chat with him live on whatsapp via +2349059610643 or email him for any spell via

  10. from my heart, that was how we started again, we are together now. thank you Dr Oseiboh for making her to know that we are meet to be together and also making my dreams to come true. And he did a spell that make me to win the lottery, Please if any body needs. LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY,PREGNANCY SPELL, DIVORCE SPELL,STOP COUNT CASE,DEATH SPELL, GET YOUR PARTNER. BACK AND MANY MORE YOU MAKE NEED. Email him now for your own help. via email add him on whatsapp line or call +2347017565415.
    All thanks goes to Dr oseiboh for the excessive work that he has done for me.

  11. Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will be cured from HERPES virus again. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HERPES) for the past 3 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Ogudugu helped someone in curing his HERPES disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. If you are having a similar problem just email him on ( ) or you can whatsApp his mobile number on +27663492930

  12. have be married for nine years my husband and i where living happily and just two months ago my husband ment his ex girl friend whom he had in school days and all of a sudden he started dating her again and he never cared about his family again all he does is to stay late at night and when he come's back he will just lie to me that he hard some fault with his car,there was this faithful day i caught the both of them in a shop,i walked to them and told the girl to stay of my husband girlfriend again,i have suffered too much in the hand of a cheating husband but and when he came home that evening he beat me up even despite the fact that i was pregnant he was just kicking and warning me to never point a finger on his affairs. thank to ancientokija whom i got from a blog site after a long search for a real spell caster i was so happy that he fufilled all what he said in just less than three days after the spell was casted they quareled and he broke up with the girl and his senses are fully back and he now care and love me like he have never done before and if you are their suffering from a broken marriage or your husband or ex cheats? you can email ( his spells are pure and very powerful without any doubt. or call him.whatsapp number +2349061515609. he is the best caster that can help you with your problems

  13. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for helping me Dr.MUSA contact him on Dr MUSA TEMPLE..or him on Whats-app+2348145130355

  14. Get your lover back urgent effective love spell to win and get ex back my advise reveal you all to contact Dr john for a genuine love spell on that work fast. here is my relationship story. my boyfriend told me it was over and walk away without any reasons, I was confuse and didn't know what to do. I was desperate, I want him back, I went over the internet looking for ways to get my boyfriend back. I read about many different ways of how to get ex back, but Dr john caught my attention. I immediately contacted him and explained my problem to him. It was amazing and surprising that 11hrs after the urgent love spell was cast, my boyfriend called me and was begging me to forgive him and accept him back, Couldn't believe, but later after he came to my house and fell on his knees asking me to take him back am so happy that my love is back again. I am testifying on this forum just to let people know that Dr john is real and genuine. don't hesitate to try him out. thank you Dr john you are truly talented and gifted genuine spell caster. Contact him now if you need your girlfriend/boyfriend back or your girlfriend moved on to another man, do not cry anymore .. Dr john is here to help out in relationship problem coz problem share is problem solve.
    Email him at....

  15. I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr.ajeghe. When I nearly lost David in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read so many testimony about Dr. ajeghe love spell,how he help to bring back ex lover back.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! David my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr.ajeghe email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help or WhatsApp him +2349069171173

  16. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius, call/whats-App Contact Number +918929509036 via email:( Thank you.

  17. Hi Friends i am so glad to writing this article today to tell the world how Dr Emmanuel cured my HSV VIRUS,i have been detected with HSV-1 AND HSV-2 since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete bizarre and agony,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HSV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain,until a certain i was checking for solution in the internet,then miraculously came across Dr Emmanuel the powerful herbalist that cure numerous individuals HSV-1 AND HSV-2 INFECTION,then i contacted his whatsApp number at +2348140073965 or email: i explained everything to him and prepared a cure that cure my HSV-1 AND HSV-2 disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why wait and be suffer when there is someone like Dr JOE that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS B VIRUS, you can contact his via : or WHATSAPP +2348140073965 GOD BLESS YOU ALL?

  18. Hi Friends i am so glad to writing this article today to tell the world how Dr Emmanuel cured my HSV VIRUS,i have been detected with HSV-1 AND HSV-2 since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete bizarre and agony,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HSV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain,until a certain i was checking for solution in the internet,then miraculously came across Dr Emmanuel the powerful herbalist that cure numerous individuals HSV-1 AND HSV-2 INFECTION,then i contacted his whatsApp number at +2348140073965 or email: i explained everything to him and prepared a cure that cure my HSV-1 AND HSV-2 disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why wait and be suffer when there is someone like Dr JOE that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS B VIRUS, you can contact his via : or WHATSAPP +2348140073965 GOD BLESS YOU ALL?




    I want to say a very big thanks to Dr STEPHEN PARKE for the wonderful work he did for me in helping me to save my marriage, my husband ask for a divorce letter because of the little misunderstanding we had in the past few month, And i never wanted this because i love my husband so much and all our investment was a joint business and i don't want to be far away from my family and my two lovely kids. My friend told me about Dr STEPHEN PARKE and how he also helped her with her marital issues, so i had to contact him because i want to stop my husband from completing the divorce letter and i want to keep my family together and after contacting him, i was told what i needed to do and when i was going to start seeing the result, I did as Dr. STEPHEN PARKE has instructed and after 3 days my Husband call me and start asking for my forgiveness and it was all like a dream to me and we are all living happily together again all thanks to Dr STEPHEN PARKE. Contact Him today for marital help via his


  21. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I was rejected by my husband after four years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address;, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster DR BEN have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband and my marriage was saved. His email or you can call or add him up on WHASTAPP;+2348151642717....

  22. MY Name Hanna Rosin, form, (USA) After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Dr Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr. Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact
    Call/WhatsApp: +2347064365391

  23. What a wonderful and a straight forward spell caster that has brought back joy and happiness into my life! Am giving this testimony because am so happy, I want to thank Dr. Osasu for the great thing He has done in my life , He brought happiness back to my life, I never believed in spell casters until my life fell apart when my lover of 6 years decided to call it quit almost when we wanted to get married. I was so emotional breakdown to the extent i could not do anything reasonable again, after 2months in pain before an old friend of mine introduced me to a spell caster on line called Dr Osasu, this was after I have been scammed by various fake spell casters. I was introduced me to Dr Osasu a true Spell Caster. In less than 24 hours i saw wonders, my lover came back to me and my life got back just like a completed puzzle, and after 1month later we got married and it was just like a dream to me because i thought i had lost him forever. Thank you Dr. Osasu for helping me but most of all, Your Honesty and Fast Accurate Results. email: WhatsApp Number: +2347064365391

  24. This is the website I read about Doctor Benson and contacted him to help me get my ex boyfriend back to marry me during the month of January this year and I have come back here to post about him. Doctor Benson will help you solve your problem no matter what you are going through. Posting about a spell caster is very strange to me because I never believed i will be able to say that I was helped by a spell caster in bringing my ex boyfriend back to me after 3 years of no contact. I read about his voodoo spell from other websites and contacted him to help me and in less than 48 hours my ex boyfriend called me and I was happy that he wants to get back to me. We met on Friday and he proposed to me,... It was the most beautiful ring. Please everyone out here, Contact Doctor to solve your problem for you and make you happy with your relationship that is hurting you. Love is the best feeling ever experienced. Email him at or WhatsApp number:+2348141972381.

  25. What a wonderful and a straight forward spell caster that has brought back joy and happiness into my life! Am giving this testimony because am so happy, I want to thank Dr. Osasu for the great thing He has done in my life , He brought happiness back to my life, I never believed in spell casters until my life fell apart when my lover of 6 years decided to call it quit almost when we wanted to get married. I was so emotional breakdown to the extent i could not do anything reasonable again, after 2months in pain before an old friend of mine introduced me to a spell caster on line called Dr Osasu, this was after I have been scammed by various fake spell casters. I was introduced me to Dr Osasu a true Spell Caster. In less than 24 hours i saw wonders, my lover came back to me and my life got back just like a completed puzzle, and after 1month later we got married and it was just like a dream to me because i thought i had lost him forever. Thank you Dr. Osasu for helping me but most of all, Your Honesty and Fast Accurate Results. email: WhatsApp Number: +2347064365391



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  28. Save Your Relationship and Get Your Ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend Back! contact Dr Abaka is certainly the best spell caster online and his result is 100% guarantee

    It's a privilege to share this miraculous testimony to the world. I'm from Thailand. My husband divorced me 3 months back and i have been filled with remorse for i didn't know what to do to amend issues with my husband. I searched for help on the internet on how i could get help in my marriage and i discovered great testifiers about Dr Abaka who has been progressive with his spells. I got in touch with him and behold, Dr Abaka told me that he will prepare a spell for me that will bring back my husband. I was skeptical but i had no other option but to work with him. 2 days after, my husband called me that he's coming back home and from that day till this moment, we have been living peacefully. He is back now with so much love and caring. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers of bringing lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love. I will highly recommend Dr Abaka to anyone out there who needs help whatsoever.if you have any problem contact Email: Or write him on Whats app: +2349063230051, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you!!.

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  30. Hi viewers online, I'm Alfonso Vázquez from Mexico. I'm here to share my testimony about how i was helped to get my wife back. I was a cheat and my wife caught me several times. I tried fixing myself and each time i ended up cheating over and over again. I guess i didn't realise what she meant to me until she had left me alone. I began to find a way to get her back but nothing seems to work out perfectly till i came across an article about Lord Zakuza who helped a lot of people globally to get their relationships back. I made contact with him on his WhatsApp number via +1 740-573-9483 and he assured me that my wife will come back to me within 48 hours with his powerful magics and i paid 410 Euros for the materials needed for the work. Surprisingly, my wife came back home after 2 days saying that she still loves me and i swore never to cheat on her anymore. All thanks to Lord Zakuza. Email him via ( ) or WhatsApp number via +1 740-573-9483.

  31. I'm Redha Soyan, Out of respect for you and your spells I must make this testimony known to all. I've been to other spell casters without seeing any result. I just wished I came to you earlier, I got the best from you. My ex husband was gone for a year and I went everywhere and other spell casters for help but no result until my friend introduced me to Dr. Ken After the Love Spell was done, I finally got a call from him. His spells worked wonders and my husband is back full of love. It's a miracle! He suddenly came back with flowers saying that i should forgive him, i was truly flabbergasted and shocked when my husband kneel down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I'm really short of words and joyful, you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now I am a joyful woman once again. Thank you so much Dr. Ken To everyone who is looking for a real spell caster should contact Dr. Ken On OR you can also reach him directly on his Whatsapp  +1(201) 992-1012

  32. HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF PRIEST ALUYA CONTACT ON EMAIL   This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who help me.... I'm Ann Sarnie from North Carolina, USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is   or whatsapp at +2349031652461  

  33. My ex-husband and I had always managed to stay friendly after our divorce in February 2017. But I always wanted to get back together with him, All it took was a visit to this spell casters website last December, because my dream was to start a new year with my husband, and live happily with him.. This spell caster requested a specific love spell for me and my husband, and I accepted it. And this powerful spell caster began to work his magic. And 48 hours after this spell caster worked for me, my husband called me back for us to be together again, and he was remorseful for all his wrong deeds. My spell is working because guess what: My “husband” is back and we are making preparations on how to go to court and withdraw our divorce papers ASAP. This is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you Dr Emu for your powerful spells. Words are not enough. here is his Email: or call/text him on his WhatsApp +2347012841542

    He is also able to cast spell like 1: Lottery 2: Conceive 3: Breakup 4: Divorce 5: Cure for all kinds of diseases and viruses.

  34. Am sharing this testimony to partners suffering in their relationships because there is an enduring solution. My husband left me and our 4 kids for another woman for 1 year. I tried to be strong just for my kids but I could not control the pains that torment my heart. I was hurt and confused. I needed a help, so i did a research on the internet and came across a site where I saw that Dr. Godday a spell caster,who can help get lot lovers back within few hours I contacted him and he did a special prayer and spells for me. To my surprises, after few days, my husband came back home. That was how we reunited again and there was a lot of love, joy and peace in the family. You can as well contact Dr. Godday, a powerful spell-caster for solutions on his contact Email: Whats app only +1{919}4956404

  35. My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. We met when I was 18 and he was 21. We’ve been through a lot emotionally together. There were several HUGE fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Out of the blue my husband just sprung the divorce talk on me, I was totally depressed until I found Dr.Todd website online and I ordered for a Love spell. You won’t believe my husband called me at the exact time this spell caster finished his spell work in 48hrs. I was totally amazed! He is wonderful and his spells work so fast. His Email: manifestspellcast@ gmail. com
    WhatsApp:+1 604 901 9747

  36. How I Got My Ex Husband Back. Am so excited, All Thanks goes to Dr Prince i was married to my husband, and we were living fine and happy. it come to an extend that my husband that use to love and care for me, doesn't have my time again, until i fined at that he was having an affair with another woman, I tried to stop him all my effort was in-vain suddenly he divorce me and went for the woman. he live me with two of our kids, I cried all day, I was in pains, sorrow and looking for help. I read a comment on how Dr Prince helped a lady to brought her husband back, after 2yrs , He helped people with his Magic spell love and reuniting spell. so I decided to contact him and explain my problems to him, he did a love spell that made my husband to come back to me and never think of the woman. this man is God sent to restore heart break and reunite relationship. may the lord be your strength and continue to use you to save people relationship and any problems contact him for help on You can also contact him through his WhatsApp +19492293867. Contact him now for love spell to bring back your ex lover he is the best spell caster and he is the best solution to all relationship problems…


  38. I want to thank of great Dr. Todd he brought my boyfriend back to me. i had seen many people to get him back but nothing, Dr. Todd gave me a consultation and told me all truth, and I trusted Dr. Todd and had him do the spells for me. it took awhile because it was very very messy between us. i had to wait for each spell to do its work. but once the last spell finally was working and the other spells had worked, that is when he called. we met. then it took many more meetings. but now we are back together and i can only thank Dr. Todd, he is the greatest, i will come to Dr. Todd for life. Todd took care of me like family. contact; manifest spell cast @gmail. com

  39. It's a privilege to share this miraculous testimony to the world. My name is Marianella Cordero, My husband divorced me 8 months back and I have been filled with remorse for I didn't know what to do to amend issues with my husband. I searched for help on the internet on how I could get help in my marriage and I discovered great testifiers about DR JOHN SOCO who has been progressive with his spells. I got in touch with him and behold, DR JOHN SOCO, told me that he will prepare a spell for me that will bring back my husband. I was skeptical but I had no other option but to work with him. 3 days later, my husband called me that he's coming back home and from that day till this moment, we have been living peacefully. He is back now with so much love and caring. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster has the power to bring lovers back and the most surprising thing is that our love is very strong now, every day is happiness and joy. and There is nothing like being with the man you love. I will highly recommend DR JOHN SOCO to anyone one out there who needs help whatsoever. If you have any problem contact DR JOHN SOCO, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you!!. Email: or whatsApp number: +1 706 871 4571 ..

  40. Five weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. What’s app contact : +44 7520 636249‬

  41. i will never ever in my life stop telling the whole entire world the great Job Dr. Abolo whose contact details is did for me by making my relationship the best and the perfect one i wished for with his powerful love spell that works beyond human oh my goodness his spells is so effective and secondly there is know side effect and most importantly he is very legit what ever he says that is what he dose. now this was how meant with him that change my love life all of a sudden. I saw a comment here a few weeks ago about Dr Abolo and i decided to contact him as instructed, thanks to this man for bringing joy to me as wished for. i followed instructions which he gave in other to get my lover back who left me and the kids for 3years now, but thanks to Dr Abolo because they are back to me now for good and we are happy together. please do contact him for help too if in relationship problem via email at: ( ) And testify for yourself.

  42. After 8 years in marriage with my husband with 1 kid, my husband started acting weird and going out with other ladies and showed me cold love, on several occasions he threatens to divorce me if I dare question him about his affair with other ladies, I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet called DR JOHN SOCO who help people with relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him, he helped me cast a love spell and within 48 hours my husband came back to me and started apologizing, now he has stopped going out with other ladies and his with me for good and for real. Contact this great love spell caster for your relationship or marriage problem to be solved today via: Drjohnsoco @ gmail. com or directly WhatsApp +1 706 871 4571 .

  43. This year has been so blissful to me for God has given me a reason to live happily again after been heart broken for 3 months when my husband neglected me and went back to he's mistress. I suffered and went through all types of emotional tortures for I couldn't get any help to get my man back not until I was refereed to Lord Zakuza by my co-worker who gave me her full assurance about him that he can be of help to me. I got in touch with Lord Zakuza and I hearken to his words and followed the instructions given to me by him. Could you believe that my husband got back home within 48 hours as said by him and today, my marriage is restored & I'm so thankful, appreciative & grateful to God for using Lord Zakuza to get my man back after 3 months of broken marriage. Is there anyone out there who needs to get back to he's or her lover back or needs any help of any kind? Then, I suggest that you get in touch with Lord Zakuza now through his Email ID: or WhatsApp him on + 1 (740) 573–9483 and for more information, here's his website:

  44. how i got my Ex lover back after a divorced by the help of DR NCUBE a marriage/relationship specialist. contact him if you need help WHATSAPP DR NCUBE ON +2348155227532
    his email is.....

    he also have #herbs for

  45. Once I started the negative releasing I was feeling that things would never happen for me. My situation was so gone. This was a last ditch effort to save my marriage of 6 years. I had tried so many different spells in the past that this was my last chance! I Contact DR PRINCE IDIALU the great love spell caster for help and I must say, even though I was hesitant at first, I started to see the results within the 3 days! This is AMAZING! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are now back together and things are great! I thought I would never be this happy! Contact him for your testimony too via:( ) call or WhatsApp +1(504)603-3666

  46. Once I started the negative releasing I was feeling that things would never happen for me. My situation was so gone. This was a last ditch effort to save my marriage of 6 years. I had tried so many different spells in the past that this was my last chance! I Contact DR PRINCE IDIALU the great love spell caster for help and I must say, even though I was hesitant at first, I started to see the results within the 3 days! This is AMAZING! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are now back together and things are great! I thought I would never be this happy! Contact him for your testimony too via:( ) call or WhatsApp +1(504)603-3666 ...

  47. How this great man called Dr Isikolo helped me to bring back my lover within 48 hours. I am Cristina Alen my lover who broke up with me since last May this year and all my effort to him back proved abortive. i love him so much that any time i see him with another girl i will be angry. so one day i was going through the internet when i saw a testimony of a woman how this great man name DR ISIKOLO helped her to get back with her husband, so lucky for me he dropped the contact of the man,so i quickly called the number he did not pick i emailed him after about 2 hours time he called me back and he replied my email. i explained everything to him and he gave me full information on the process and what to do. so he told that he need some items to do the prayers for me which i did i did my possible best to get for him to ensure my prayers is done and within 48 hours as he already assured me, my lover came back to me pleading to me asking for forgiveness, he now love me, cherish me and he promise that he will never leave me again. all thanks to DR ISIKOLO, you can also email him: or his WhatsApp: +1(725)240-4536.

  48. Hello everyone i know there is someone somewhere reading this,My name is Jane Morgan Chase from Atlanta GA, want to share a great work of a spell caster called Dr Ayo my husband and i had a fight which led to our divorce but when he left me a part of me left with him and i was so sad and cried all day and night i was searching something online when i saw people testifying about her great work and i just decided to give her a trial i did everything she told me to do and he assured me that after 24 hours my husband will come back to me,the next morning to my greatest surprised a car stopped outside my house and it was my husband i’m so happy, He can also help you 


    WhatsApp> +2349133830813

  49. Hello everyone i know there is someone somewhere reading this,My name is Jane Morgan Chase from Atlanta GA, want to share a great work of a spell caster called Dr Ayo my husband and i had a fight which led to our divorce but when he left me a part of me left with him and i was so sad and cried all day and night i was searching something online when i saw people testifying about her great work and i just decided to give her a trial i did everything she told me to do and he assured me that after 24 hours my husband will come back to me,the next morning to my greatest surprised a car stopped outside my house and it was my husband i’m so happy, He can also help you 


    WhatsApp> +2349133830813

  50. After a year of Broken marriage, my lover left me with one kid, I felt like ending it all, i almost committed suicide because he left us with nothing, i was emotionally down all this while. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Mkuru which i met online who brought my Lover back to me. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I came across several of testimonies about Dr Mkuru Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, and other sickness, you can Reach him on His Email: He is the best spell caster that can help you with your problems or call him on whatsApp +2349075998982

  51. I am overjoyed because my prayers have finally been answered, have always wish to have my ex husband back because i wanted my family to be happy, until i met Dr Mkuru who solved my problems for me, and i am sharing this testimony because i believe they are people out there who need solutions to problems like this. When my ex husband left me I was very much devastated and i always wanted back and it got to a period I no longer wanted him back. After 6 years, my first son was 9 years old, he came home from school and said he was missing his father and all the love he showed when he was around him. The feeling rushed through me like an emotional straining and I had a huge urge to have him back. What happened to us that we separated was what i couldn't think of what started the fight. I contacted DR. Mkuru online after reading about him of how he has been helping other with their problem and i contacted him email at ( and i was able to speak with him. I am happy and very overjoyed that after 6 years, all i wanted was to reunite my family and make my life whole again. Thank God for this spell caster and i want everyone to meet him at his email ....He is 100% REAL. OR WhatsApp him now +2349075998982

  52. I thank DR PRINCE IDIALU the great spell caster who restore my broken relationship and i highly recommends DR PRINCE IDIALU to anyone in need of help! My husband left me for another woman 3 months ago and ever since then my life have been filled with pains sorrow and heart break because he was my first love whom i have spent my entire life with. A friend of mine told me he saw some testimonies of a spell caster called DR PRINCE IDIALU that he can bring back lover within some few days, i consulted the great DR PRINCE IDIALU and to my greatest surprise after 2 days my husband called me for the very first time after three months that he is missing me and that he is so sorry for every thing he made me went through. He came back to me and now we are happy together. I still can’t believe it, because it highly unbelievable. Thank you DR PRINCE IDIALU for bringing back my lover and also to my lovely friend who recommend him for me, for any one who might need the help of this great DR PRINCE IDIALU here is the email address:, you can also call him or add him on WhatsApp: +1(504)603-3666)..

  53. I thank DR PRINCE IDIALU the great spell caster who restore my broken relationship and i highly recommends DR PRINCE IDIALU to anyone in need of help! My husband left me for another woman 3 months ago and ever since then my life have been filled with pains sorrow and heart break because he was my first love whom i have spent my entire life with. A friend of mine told me he saw some testimonies of a spell caster called DR PRINCE IDIALU that he can bring back lover within some few days, i consulted the great DR PRINCE IDIALU and to my greatest surprise after 2 days my husband called me for the very first time after three months that he is missing me and that he is so sorry for every thing he made me went through. He came back to me and now we are happy together. I still can’t believe it, because it highly unbelievable. Thank you DR PRINCE IDIALU for bringing back my lover and also to my lovely friend who recommend him for me, for any one who might need the help of this great DR PRINCE IDIALU here is the email address:, you can also call him or add him on WhatsApp: +1(504)603-3666)..

  54. My marriage wasn't working, people advised me to divorce my husband because he was a chronic cheat and a drunk, it was a very terrible situation living together with a drunk and cheating husband, all I wanted was a change so I contacted lord Bubuza for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396. He promised he will reunite my husband I with his spell, he told me what to do which I did immediately and today I am celebrating because my husband has totally stop drinking and cheating. Contact him for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 of via e-mail:

  55. Have you heard of Lord Bubuza? This man is a genius, he can do anything with his miraculous spell. My boyfriend was abusive and was a cheat, I love him so much and didn't want to loose him to another so I started searching for help online when I came across testimonies of people thanking and praising Lord Bubuza for his help so I contact him immediately, I told him my situation and he promised to help me. I did just as he instructed me and everything about my boyfriend cheating habit and abusive behavior changed for better, he is so lovely and caring now. I'm so proud of Lord Bubuza. Do you have problem with your relationship? Contact him for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 of via e-mail:

  56. Contacting lord Bubuza is the greatest thing that has ever happened to my marriage, my marriage wasn't working, people advised me to divorce my husband because he was a chronic cheat and a drunk, it was a very terrible situation living together with a drunk and a cheating husband, all I wanted was a change so I contacted lord Bubuza for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396. He promised to reunite my husband and I with his spell, he told me what to do which I did immediately and today I am celebrating because my husband has totally stop drinking and cheating. Contact him for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 of via e-mail:

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I have chosen to thank lord Bubuza openly because he is like a God on Earth. He solved my relationship problems with his spell easily, before now my relationship wasn't working, my boyfriend was a cheat and I tried everything possible to make things work between us, all of my efforts was in vain, I was at the verge of ending the relationship when I met with lord Bubuza whom through his spell did wonders to my boyfriend and he stopped cheating, Lord Bubuza spell worked within 12 to 16 hours after I did as he instructed and today we are role models to most people in our neighborhood because of how lovely and caring my boyfriend is now, Do you need any kind of help? Contact lord Bubuza today via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 of via e-mail:

  59. Don't give up on that relationship due to cheating, lack of love or lack of trust, there is there is a man that does wonders with his spell in restoring a broken relationship, I give lord Bubuza praises for helping me to get my Ex boyfriend of 3 years back. My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me because he wasn't finding me attractive and lovely enough anymore, I got the contact of lord Bubuza through a friend whom lord Bubuza has helped restore her relationship and I contacted him via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396, I told him my problem and I did as lord Bubuza told me and my Ex boyfriend came back begging me to forgive him and everything is perfect now, contact him today for help and you will testify too. Lord Bubuza WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 or via e-mail:

  60. Are you in bad need of love spell to bring back your ex lover or reunite your marriage!DR JOHN for quick 24 hours solution. my name is Caroline Kate and I had a problem with my husband 14 Years, which lead us apart. When he broke up with me, I was confuse and did not know what to do to get him back, I felt so empty inside. Until i came across DR JOHN on the internet on how He has helped so many people solve there various problem. I emailed Him and I told Him my problem and i did what he asked me to do for him to help me, to briefly make the long story short, Before I knew it, in less than 24 HOURS, my Husband gave me a call and he came back to me and told me he was sorry about what was going on between the both of us. Finally I am writing this testimony to offer my thanks and deep gratitude to you DR JOHN for keeping to your words and your promises in bringing him back to me in just 24 hours of your powerful spell casting, and for using your gifted and great powers to bring him back. If you need his help, you can email him at: drjohnsoco @ gmail .com You can also WhatsApp him on +1 706 871 4571 ..


  61. Hello every one i have just met with this and i finally find out that he is really a truthful spell caster and so powerful and i believe that he is the most powerful spell caster that i have ever met. how i wish i met him before. my husband would have just come back to me.and every thing happened just the way Dr Jadu had said it,i am so happy that i have met with Dr Jadu,and now i have my husband back to my self. if you all that are here have not tried Dr Jadu,just have to do so and get your heart desires fulfilled. stop been doubting i have tested him and i am now a fulfilled woman. And that's why i am out on the internet today, testifying of what he has done for me and my husband, if you were in my situation contact him through this email or  +2348139424847    

    Hello everyone i want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr MARCUS who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another girl,We where happy together when all of a sudden he just change he used to call me every morning and and night before going to bed but all that stopped when i call him he yell at me and told me he didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore i was so sad and confused i didn't know what to do then i went online to search on how to get back my ex then i found  an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr MARCUS   helped her and she left his email address i took it and contacted him i told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK i did everything he asked me to do  and he assured me that after 24hrs he will be back,To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my boyfriend he came back knelling and begging for me to accept him back now we are so happy together he can also help you contact him at or also   directly on whats-app +2347066448668

    Hello everyone i want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr MARCUS who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another girl,We where happy together when all of a sudden he just change he used to call me every morning and and night before going to bed but all that stopped when i call him he yell at me and told me he didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore i was so sad and confused i didn't know what to do then i went online to search on how to get back my ex then i found  an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr MARCUS   helped her and she left his email address i took it and contacted him i told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK i did everything he asked me to do  and he assured me that after 24hrs he will be back,To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my boyfriend he came back knelling and begging for me to accept him back now we are so happy together he can also help you contact him at or also   directly on whats-app +2347066448668

  64. I have great joy in my heart as I'm writing this testimony about the great man called Dr.John, When my lover left me, I thought i will not be able to get her back after all she has put me through, but I am so happy that after the interference of Dr.John, I was able to get my lover back within 48 hours. And I can proudly say that who ever need help in getting his lover back should contact Dr.John on these contact details below WhatsApp +1 706 871 4571, or Drjohnsoco @ gmail. com, for quicker response of what I have just witness.

  65. What a great joy in my heart to share this to the entire public on how Herbal Doc. Adina  cured me from herpes virus with his herbs and roots, I never believed it would work because the doctors keep saying there is no cure but I was desperate and needed to get this thing out of my body. I saw a comment online testifying on how Herbal Doc. Adina cures her from herpes and hpv and i contact Herbal Doc. Adina explained my problem to him and he prepared the cure and sent it to me through UPS speed,which I use just the way He instructed me and thank God today I am a beneficiary to this cure. I went to my doctor for a checkup after 1 week of taking the herbs and I was tested Herpes1&2 negative and my doctor told me that the virus is completely gone from my system. So I will tell you all who are looking for a cure to his/her HIV/AIDS and HERPES that Herbal Doc. Adina took research before he could finally get the solution to it and a lot of people are benefiting from him right now. He also cured my Uncle and his wife from HPV. Herbal Doc. Adina heels with natural herbs. Please i urge you to contact him now through his email address: or WhatsApp him on +2349017687511 and he is also capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, COLD SORE, CANCER of all kind,DIABETES and so many other infections.

  66. i  want to let the world know about Dr, Paul the Great spell caster that brought back my husband to me when I thought all hope was lost. Dr, Paul    used his powerful spell to put a smile on my face by bringing back my man with his spell, at first i thought i was dreaming when my husband came back to me on his knees begging me to forgive him and accept him back and ever since then he loves me more than i ever expected so i made a vow to my self that i will let the World know about Dr, Paul    because he is a God on earth. Do you have problems in your relationship ? have your partner broke up with you and you still love and want him back ? Do you have problem with your finance ? or do you need help of any kind then contact Dr, Paul   today for i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you just as he helped me. Dr,  Paul   email is: or contact him on WhatsApp +27679901055

  67. I got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw $2,500 everyday for three years. I am so happy about this because I got mine last week and I have used it to get $50,000 already. Cyber hackers are giving out the cards to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and he is not like other scammers pretending to have the blank ATM cards. The card can't be traced by any CCTV and no one gets caught when using the card. The card works in all countries. That is the good news. Get yours from Cyber hackers today! Contact Cyber hackers via his email address now to get your own card::   and WhatsApp: +15738563022


  68. Are you in a financial crisis, looking for money to start your own business or to pay your bills? I got mine from Cyber hackers. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2500 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $14,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now I have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on. They sell these cards to all customers and interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $2500 and up to $5,000 spending limit in stores and unlimited on POS.

    Contact Cyber hackers via email address now to get your own card::   and WhatsApp: +15738563022  

  69. How To Get Your Ex Lover/Partner/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife Or Husband Back

    I was married for 16 years to a loving mother and wife. We had 2 children together who are now 11 & 13. I reconnected with an old girlfriend from college on Facebook and we began an affair and I left my wife. The woman I had an affair with is a wonderful woman and I love her too and our kids had begun accepting the situation and my wife has kind of moved on, but not in love with the man she is seeing. I thought I fell out of love with my wife and I felt terrible about what I did to her - she is a good woman and I don't know what came over me. I decided to try and get her back and I was recommended to Lord Zakuza for help to get reunited with my wife and within 48 hours after I made contact with Lord Zakuza my wife decided to work things out with me and now we are back together with our children living as one happy family. I really don't know the words to use in appreciation of what Lord Zakuza did for me but I will say thank you sir for reuniting I and my family back. For those in trying times with their marriages or relationship can communicate with LORD ZAKUZA through the below informations.

    Website via:
    WhatsApp/call/text: +1 740 573 9483
    Email: Lordzakuza7 @gmail. com

  70. I'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored. My ex husband is back after he left me and our 2kids for another woman. I was so happy to meet Dr. OKu how he helps many people to bring their Lover back so i contact him to help me too. husbandThat was how Dr. Oku helped me to bring my  back.. A big thank you to Dr. Oku because I never thought my ex Husband will be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and world greatest. If you are here and you need your Ex Let you in over back or your husband moves to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact:Email him at: You can also Call/WhatsApp:+2348163425519

  71. I'm Tonia Anderson by name, I am from the States, Suffolk county to be precise. I am here today to testify of the good works LORD ZAKUZA has done in my life, I never knew great men still exist until I found him. I have been suffering from heart break for the past 3 years, my partner who I invested on cheated on me with my best friend on my matrimonial bed, I was yet to recover from this terrible shock until I meant LORD ZAKUZA, a friend of mine directed me to him , I doubted him at first but as things went further, I had to give him my trust and did exactly as he told me to do. Ever since then, I have been happy all my life and my love life with my partner has been so wonderful. You can also need his help and here's his contact information. WhatsApp: +1 740 573 9483, Email: lordzakuza7 @ gmail. com, Website:


  72. Hello everyone my is KARA am so over whelmed with joy all thanks psychiclukke husband left me for another woman few years back and I was very devastated cause I never did anything wrong to him,I was left with my two kid and a job that pays little.i was almost giving up until I saw a testimony online about PSYCHICLUKKE and I decided to contact him.i explained my problem to him and he assured me I'll see a positive result after 24hurs,surprisingly my husband came back the day after the spell begging me to forgive him and promised to never husband has been back for 6 months now and we've never had any issues, am glad I didn't doubt KARA cause he sure can solve any problems with fast relief you can also contact him for help now:
    WhatsApp number is:+17722815026

    Hello everyone my is KARA am so over whelmed with joy all thanks psychiclukke husband left me for another woman few years back and I was very devastated cause I never did anything wrong to him,I was left with my two kid and a job that pays little.i was almost giving up until I saw a testimony online about PSYCHICLUKKE and I decided to contact him.i explained my problem to him and he assured me I'll see a positive result after 24hurs,surprisingly my husband came back the day after the spell begging me to forgive him and promised to never husband has been back for 6 months now and we've never had any issues, am glad I didn't doubt KARA cause he sure can solve any problems with fast relief you can also contact him for help now:
    WhatsApp number is:+17722815026

  73. I am so happy to share this fantastic testimony of mine. My name is Enora Lucas I have my boyfriend back in my life with the help of Dr Isikolo. He said sorry 48 hours after the spell was created. He said he realised that he never really wanted to break up he could not handle emotional baggage I was carrying around all the time. He said that he thought he was the negative influence on my life and thought it best to leave. He said it was hard that I kept talking about the past all the time. We have both forgiven each other. I have money in my pocket that is my own at last. (My compensation cheque came through I was told it was months away. I am living proof of what Dr Isikolo can do. I thank you so much Dr Isikolo for the wonderful thing you did in my relationship. I am so happy now. With your help we were both able to see and speak the truth to each other. I never thought a spell could help a couple before I am very pleased contacted you and initiated all this to happen. Anyone who have a relationship problem can contact Dr Isikolo via email You can also WhatsApp him on +1(725)240-4536

  74. I am so proud and happy to be out here sharing this remarkable testimony, awesome and extraordinary, I just can’t believe this now my ex Husband is really back to me on his knees begging me to take him back and he was feeling regretful and sorry for leaving me and for causing me pains after the divorce which occurred 5 Months ago. And this whole miracle happened after i contacted Dr Odianosen for help, I am the happiest woman today in this whole wide world. It’s a miracle and everlasting pleasure and cheerfulness for me and my family today.. I am so happy now and i don’t know how much to convey my thankfulness and appreciation to Dr Odianosen, contact him if you need urgent help now because its guaranteed that he will help you fix your problem Email: or  WhatsApp +2348107771101 for more info

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  77. To everyone out there who thinks love spells don't work, I’m here to tell you that Lord Zakuza love spell is the best and most powerful. I am a wealthy man who has lots of assets and possessions but I have difficulty with women. Whenever I try to settle down with any, we end up breaking up and I had no idea of why I was going through such an experience in my relationship. It was so worrying that I couldn’t be myself anymore and I started searching for help everywhere even at my place of work. I was going through my work activities online and I came across a testimony of a lady called ( Febe Anouk ) regarding how Lord Zakuza helped her to restore her relationship with his love spell, I had to give it a try because I needed my Ex lover back that I love so much. I visited Lord Zakuza website online and I told him everything I was going through. Lord Zakuza consoled me and promised to help me out with my situation by preparing a love spell for me. I followed the instructions given by him to me and within 48 hours, my Ex lover came looking for me and pleaded for forgiveness. Since I came in contact with Lord Zakuza, things have changed for good in my life and right now, I am married with two beautiful kids and my home is blessed. All thanks to Lord Zakuza I am forever thankful to you. Visit his website for any help via or WhatsApp him on +1 740-573-9483. Try him and your life will be blessed.

  78. To anyone out there who thinks love spells don't work, I’m here to tell you that Lord Zakuza love spell is the best and most powerful. I am a wealthy man who has lots of assets and possessions but I have difficulty with women. Whenever I try to settle down with any, we end up breaking up and I had no idea of why I was going through such an experience in my relationship. It was so worrying that I couldn’t be myself anymore and I started searching for help everywhere even at my place of work. I was going through my work activities online and I came across a testimony of a lady called ( Febe Anouk ) regarding how Lord Zakuza helped her to restore her relationship with his love spell, I had to give it a try because I needed my Ex lover back that I love so much. I visited Lord Zakuza website online and I told him everything I was going through. Lord Zakuza consoled me and promised to help me out with my situation by preparing a love spell for me. I followed the instructions given by him to me and within 48 hours, my Ex lover came looking for me and pleaded for forgiveness. Since I came in contact with Lord Zakuza, things have changed for good in my life and right now, I am married with two beautiful kids and my home is blessed. All thanks to Lord Zakuza I am forever thankful to you. Visit his website for any help via or WhatsApp him on +1 740-573-9483. Try him and your life will be blessed.

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  80. After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don’t believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: or WhatsApp him +15068001647 blog: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS

  81. Lord Bubuza has wiped my tears by restoring my Divorced marriage, my wife came to me one day and said she needs a divorce, She said she was in love with someone else and was tired of the marriage. she filed for a divorce and we left each other but I couldn't sleep, i was heartbroken so i started seeking for help online, I saw testimonies of people appreciating Lord Bubuza for helping them in restoring their relationship so I contacted Lord Bubuza on WHATSAPP: +1 505 569 0396, I told him my problems and he promise to help me with his spell. He said my wife will come back begging within 12 to 16 hours after he has finished the casting of the spell. I provide his requirement and did as he instructed me. I was shocked when my wife came crying and begging me on her knees to forgive and accept her back. Lord Bubuza is a man of his word contact him for help via WhatsApp:: +1 505 569 0396 or e-mail:: lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com

  82. I'm 61 years old. I contracted hpv in 2011' I has be taking lot treatment for it and embarrassed some months ago the wart stated coming out seriously, I used lot recommendation because there was lot warts around my anus and was so . but today I'm totally happy I got the virus eliminated by using natural treatment from Dr voodoo herbal center after his treatment I got cured. all the warts went away' seriously believed Dr. voodoo he have the cure for human papillomavirus because he has eliminated hpv been in my body since 2011, Dr. voodoo make it possible for me. Here is Dr. voodoo email: or WhatsApp him via +2348140120719 he is welled capable of curing terrible diseases.


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  85. I contracted herpes  in 2015' I has be taking lot treatment for it and embarrassed some months ago the wart stated coming out seriously, I used lot recommendation because there was lot warts around my anus and was so . but today I'm totally happy I got the virus eliminated by using natural treatment from Dr OLIHA herbal center after his treatment I got cured. all the warts went away' seriously believed Dr OLIHA  have the cure for human papillomavirus because he has eliminated herpes  been in my body since 2015, Dr OLIHA make it possible for me. Here is Dr OLIHA or WhatsApp+2349038382931. and *      

  86. Hello everyone my is Gabriel sophia from Canada. My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. We met when I was 18 and he was 21. We’ve been through a lot emotionally together. There were several HUGE fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Out of the blue my husband just sprung the divorce talk on me, I was totally depressed until I found Dr. Ogbeifun website online and I ordered for a Love spell. You won’t believe my husband called me at the exact time this spell caster finished his spell work in 48hrs. I was totally amazed! He is wonderful and his spells work so fast. His Email: call/whatsapp him via +2348102574680 don't hesitate to contact him

  87. Hello everyone I thought the great spell is not working my wife let me alone with kids and I have no place to find out about were she is, and now has been 2years now when I'm looking for my wife and I know the great spell caster who help me bring back my wife wife the great dr IYASE now I believe it true the great Dr IYASE who help me bring back my family together now and now I'm happy and thank to the great Dr IYASE a African man how really told what I have to do for my family to be together now I'm grateful for the great Dr IYASE you can contact him on VA+235705705226 +255688381932
    Thank for the great Dr IYASE email

  88. I am so happy to share this testimony on how Dr kham, was able to heal me from Herpes Disease, well i was detected positive on 21st September 2019 and ever since i have been looking for a way to treat and cure this disease from me, but always i try their was no solution,few weeks ago my aunt Monica introduce me to doctor kham telling him all my problem he told me what we were to do, that he was going to send me a portion which i am going to take, and after seeing testimony of some people on how Dr. Kham was able to cure people from Herpes disease, i also heard about it on media when a young lady also gave her testimony about this same Dr. kham, well left with no hope i message him and he sent me an herbal portion that i will be taken., he told me to go back to the hospital for check up and after i have done that i should come and tell him the good news result, at first when i saw the message i was so shock and still did not believed i will be cured, well friend to make my story short i am cured from herpes now after many time of sorrow, i am Negative, and my sickness are gone, i thank God for leading me to this man….you can call/ Whatsapp him via +2348159922297 or You can Email Him at You can Also Visit his website to know more about him at > can be of help to you on any problem like {1} HIV/AIDS {2CANCER {3}HERPES {4}DIABETES (5}HEPATITIS B (6}HPV

  89. In 2001 my relationship was complicated, I felt like committing suicide because I was no longer getting the love and affection i deserve from my boyfriend. June 5, 2002 he said it was over between us, my heart was shattered. I spoke to my friend about it and she told me how Lord Bubuza restored her relationship with his spell so I contacted him immediately on WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396, I told him my problem and he promised to help me with his spell. I followed his instructions and 16 hours after the spell was casted my boyfriend came back crying and begging to forgive and accept him back. It's 20 years today since lord Bubuza helped me and we are happily married with kids now. Don't give up on your lover, contact lord Bubuza for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 or email: lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or website:

  90. Since I was young I practiced African spiritual healing. I am gifted with powerful powers that have been passed down from generation to generation. I come from a spiritual family that has a lot of powerful spells.

    My grandfather was the biggest Calabash reader in our village. I have lived in a spirit house for more than twenty years and there I have increased my knowledge.

    I am a big spiritual healer in . Africa, also known around the world. I have helped thousands of people with all sorts of problems. I have helped them to find love, to bring back lost loves, to break-up unwanted relationships, to improve the quality of intimacy, to save marriages,to create wealth, to heal souls and bodies, to protect themselves from black magic, envies and evil forces, to improve their luck, to help people finding new jobs and careers, or to make progress on those jobs they already have,to improve their studies, and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that really need my help as you.

    The most acclaimed African Medium, God gifted & well known for his competence & efficiency. Expert in all occult matters, even in the most desperate cases. Do you have the feeling that everything is going wrong in your life? Don’t hesitate to call the most acclaimed African Medium. I am a specialist in Calabash reading. Anything good or bad that I see in the reading I will show you in the Calabash.

    Whatever cultural background you come from, this type of healing is where others get successful happiness all the times. It is time to say no to problems and sicknesses.

    No matter what the problems is, the solution will come once you consult.

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  91. It's a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how I got my Genital Herpes cured a month ago. I have been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr. Oliha, but I never believed them. I was hurt and depressed, I was too curious and wanted to try Dr.Oliha, then I contacted him through his email ( ) when I contacted him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he healed me just as he promised. He sent me his medication and asked me to go for a check up after 14 days of taking the medication. I agreed with him and I took his medication and went for a check up, to my greatest surprise my result was negative after the treatment, i am really happy that I am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3weeks to be very sure I was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. So I guess it's time I recommend that anyone going through Herpes HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes, Cancer should reach him through his Email OR add him on whatsapp +2349038382931.
    visit his website on .

  92. My Name is Elena I want to testify of the good work of Lord Zuma who helped me in achieving the goals, i was in a relationship for 4years with my boyfriend and everything was going so sweet i loved him and i believed he loved me more than anything in this world after a while i noticed some changes in him so i knew something was wrong i tried to pleases him in several ways but no outcome, shortly i noticed he was seeing another girl i tried to make him understand that i loved him so much but he wouldn't even listen, one day i read a testimony on a similar case a person testifying of the work of this great Lord Zuma even when i did not believe i was convinced by my girlfriend so i contacted him and let him know all my problems and he said i should not worry that everything will be okay for me, in 2days my lover came asking me to forgive him after giving Lord Zuma the information and the necessary things to carry out the work for me, so if you are going through any problem contact him he might be the answer to your problem, here is his email address. or WhatsApp him +1 506 800 1647.

  93. God bless Dr. IYASE for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2018 and I was taking my medicines, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr.IYASE, how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 17 days later i was cured from HERPES, thank you email him directly website    Dr IYASE ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
    Dr IYASE cure the flowing virus, or add him on whatsapp/calls directly  +2347057052206  //    +255688381932
    1 Get your Ex back ( Marriage problem solution)
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  94. My name is Collins Gary from switzerland, i want to testify to the general public how my relationship was restored back by the great power's of Dr Zuma after three months of loneliness, my ex-lover called me after my contact with Dr Zuma that he want us to come back and start a good home, now we are happily married. All thanks to Dr Zuma for his wonderful spiritual help. You can contact him on his via email call him +15068001647 if you have similar problem, or any solution you ....

  95. I don't have time beating around the bush, instead I go straight to the point.... So to you doubters I ain't expecting you all to believe my testimony but only the few chosen ones by God. In a short summary, I'm here to tell the whole world that I recently got cured from my long term herpes disease, both the HSV1 and HSV2 through the assistance of Herbalist doctor Oyagu I pray God continually blesses Dr Oyagu in all he does, because he is indeed a very good, nice and powerful doctor. I’m cured of herpes disease at last! Wow I'm so much in great joy because I've never in my life believed herbs works, but meeting doctor Oyagu was an eye opener and he made me believe that herpes truly got a complete cure. I used the doctor's herbal medicine for just two weeks and I was totally cured from both my HSV1 and HSV2. I'm so excited. For help and assistance in getting rid of your herpes virus you can Call/WhatsApp doctor Oyagu on his telephone number: +2348101755322 or for more inquiries you can as well contact the doctor on EMAIL:

  96. My boyfriend said he was tired of our relationship and needed a breakup, he started avoiding me, His attitude was killing me slowly so I did research on the internet seeking help. There I saw testimonies of how lord Bubuza helped reunite couples with his spell and how he gave lottery winning numbers to people and helped them win a lottery so I immediately sent him a text: +1 984 240 7211 seeking help. He responded. He promised to help me get my boyfriend back with his spell, I did as he instructed and he casted the spell. It was like a dream because 16 hours after the spell was casted my boyfriend came back begging me on his knees to forgive and accept him back. I am so excited and now I believe Lord Bubuza is a God on Earth. Are you heart broken? Do you need help to win a lottery ? Contact Lord Bubuza via WhatsApp/Call/text: +1 984 240 7211 or email:

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  100. I was diagnosed of HERPES Virus in 2019 and I have tried all I can to get cured but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbalist man who prepare herbal medication to cure all kind of diseases including HERPES virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try , when i contact this herbalist and he prepared a HERPES herbal cure and sent it to me via FEDEX delivery company service, when i received this herbal cure, he gave me step by directions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was totally cured of this horrible disease within 14days of usage, i went to the hospital for a test and it was negative. I can tell the public now that I am now free from the horrible disease called herpes, all thanks to Dr.OLIHA that is why I want to leave his email address and What's app contact just if you want to contact him for help. you reach this great herbal doctor via his call or WhatsApp on +2349038382931 email on ( website on: ....

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  104. Natural herbs have cured so many illness that drugs and injection cant cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I read people's testimonies online on how they were cured of herpes, HIV, diabetics etc by  DR. Enato herbal medicine, so I decided to contact the doctor because I know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with Herpes virus for the past 3 years but  DR. Enato cured me with his herbs and I referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from HIV but to God be the glory, they were cured too .I know it is hard to believe but I am a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs. He is also a spell caster,he casts spells to restore broken marriages and good luck spells to prosper and excel in life.Contact  DR. Enato on his email ; call or Whatsapp (+2348071351544)

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